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The Ballet Series - Lessons 1-7 + A Dedicated Strength & Flexibility Class Rent Bundle (10 videos) The Ballet Series - Lessons 1-7 + A Dedicated Strength & Flexibility Class
Who: Anyone that has an interest in ballet and wants to feel good about their body in a warm, inclusive atmosphere. What: Seven ballet classes and a ballet-based Strength & Flexibility class for absolute beginners (or anyone looking to get back into ballet!). When: At your own pace and any gosh darn time you want for 6 whole months. Where: In the comfort, privacy and loveliness of your own home. Why: I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who were looking for a feel-good ballet class that celebrated their body. “I liked how you demonstrated and explained the techniques. Your personality. The layout of the class, it really flowed well. “ - Anonymous feedback from the live series. This is part of an on-going series. Money back guarantee: If by the end of the second Lesson you do not feel as though you're learning a solid base of ballet technique, are not enjoying the classes or find that you don't enjoy ballet just email me at hello@cariba.online
Total (including taxes)
USD $77.00  for 6 month rental
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